
What Does Received Mean On Snap

What Does Received Mean On Snapchat

Snapchat has get a popular messaging platform, peculiarly among the Millennial and the Gen-Z population. People post-obit the trend and getting started with Snapchat might go confused.

Especially, Snapchat Condition is amongst the popular things people get confused with. About people do not know the pregnant of each Snapchat condition and the icons when they get started.

The meaning behind "Received" is one of the common message statuses people are getting confused almost. In brief, "Received" means that the person has received your message only hasn't opened it still.

Continue reading to know farther about different Snapchat bulletin statuses and their meaning.

  1. Unlike Message Statuses in Snapchat
  2. Meaning of "Received" in Snapchat
    • Received Icons in Snapchat
  3. Divergence Between "Sent", "Delivered", "Received", and "Opened" in Snapchat
  4. The Screenshot and Replayed Icons on Snapchat
  5. Conclusion

Unlike Bulletin Statuses in Snapchat

Snaps or Snapchat Messages can exist sent in unlike forms, like images, videos, and text letters. Snapchat has different message statuses for different letters.

The four message statuses are "Sent", "Delivered", "Received", and "Opened". Different statuses take their own significant behind them.

Significant of "Received" in Snapchat

"Received" in Snapchat means that you take received the bulletin someone sent you on Snapchat, but yous are yet to open or respond to information technology. Whatsoever message, including text, audio, or snap, can be included.

Received Icons in Snapchat

Now that nosotros have figured out what the "received" means on Snapchat, let usa as well know about different types of received icons on Snapchat.

Whenever you receive a snap on Snapchat, you will see a solid foursquare announced, denoted by different colors.

  • Solid Cerise Square: Yous have received a photograph Snap.
  • Solid Purple Square: You have received a video Snap.
  • Solid Blue Square: It means that you have received a text bulletin.

Difference Between "Sent", "Delivered", "Received", and "Opened" in Snapchat

And then, you might already know there are four dissimilar bulletin icons on Snapchat, "Sent", "Delivered", "Received," and "Opened."

Starting with "Sent". It ways that your bulletin has been sent to some other Snapchat user, and the person has non yet opened your snap. "Sent" in Snapchat is denoted by three different colored solid arrows:

  • Solid Red Arrow: It means that you take sent a photo Snap.
  • Solid Purple Arrow: Information technology means that you have sent a video Snap.
  • Solid Blue Pointer: It means that you have sent a text message.

Moving on to "Delivered", which ways that your message has been sent to some other Snapchat user, and the person has opened your snap. "Delivered" in Snapchat is denoted by three different colored hollow arrows:

  • Hollow Red Arrow: Your photograph Snap was opened by the receiver.
  • Hollow Majestic Arrow: It means your video Snap was opened by the receiver.
  • Hollow Blue Pointer: Your text message was opened by the receiver.

"Opened" pretty much explains itself. It indicates that someone has sent you a message, and you have opened it. "Opened" in Snapchat is denoted by three different colored hollow squares:

  • Hollow Reddish Square: Information technology means that you have opened a photograph Snap.
  • Hollow Purple Square: Information technology means that you have opened a video Snap.
  • Hollow Blue Foursquare: It means that you lot take opened a text bulletin.

The main differentiator among the icons for the meaning behind those terms is the icons indicated past them. Arrow icons are shown in the sender's Snapchat, whereas square icons are shown in the receiver'due south Snapchat. The hollow icon means that the receiver has opened the snap. In dissimilarity, the solid icon indicates that the receiver hasn't yet opened the snap or message.

The Screenshot and Replayed Icons on Snapchat

Screenshot and replayed are other message status icons on Snapchat. They are pretty cocky-explanatory with the terms.

The screenshot icon means that the receiver has screenshotted your snap or text bulletin.

  • Pair of Hollow Red Pointer: The receiver has screenshotted your photo Snap.
  • Pair of Hollow Purple Arrow: The receiver has screenshotted your video Snap.
  • Pair of Hollow Blue Arrow: The receiver has screenshotted your text message.

As well, replayed icon ways that the receiver has replayed your snap.

  • Cherry-red Replay Icon: The receiver has replayed your photo Snap.
  • Purple Replay Icon: The receiver has replayed your video Snap.


Snapchat has been ane very engaging social media or messaging platform, and more people are getting into it. Many people are getting started on Snapchat and getting confused almost dissimilar things about the platform. Message condition is ane of them.

Hopefully, this article has cleared your confusion about Snapchat status, mainly the "Received" message status. If you have whatsoever more queries, do let us know in the mutual section below.


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